Saturday 12 April 2014

Game development of phylosophical game.

I am not planning on making a game with a well defined mechanic and stick with it throughout. The game mechanics should be moulded by the philosophy

In a new small podcast, I explain what I am doing and what game type I am attempting to create.

Monday 3 March 2014

Multiparadigm game designer.

I am amidst one of the toughtest moments in my life. I am single, getting old, tired and troubled by multiple other issues(economical.)

Nevertheless, I am doing what has always been my dream but never had the time to finish it... a commercial game.

I am reviewing the programming paradigms that I had forgotten because of abandonment. C++; DirectX graphics; 3D math; 3D modelling, rigging, skinning and animation; 2D texture and background illustration; sound effects design and music composition.

As suggested previously: tough. But I will end up doing something that I have always dreamt of.

The game is still work in progress, but once I have the engine running will start making more publicity.
Some initial animations, 3D models and compositions are ready, but they are in their fetal state.

I will be creating other mini games just to test the engine or my programming/graphics/audio abilities with other libraries.

Friday 7 February 2014

Back to gamedev.

After many years in screencasting as my main labour, I will switch back to gamedev(game development) since screencasting is not profitable enough.

Screencasts about C++ may start to appear, as that is the main language used in the gameindustry(Both AAA and indie realms.)

Possible portals to sell the game? Steam and Xbox live. Yes, it will be Windows(Xbox) exclusive. Unless I foresee profits on the other platforms.

Screencast will still be produced with much less frequency though(only produced in free time.)