Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Study skills for programmers

Computer skills are little without the actual theory and practice of the methods and methodology used to arrive at the knowledge.

People are way too much focused on trivial circumstances when learning, while they should be focused more on how to learn and find information, rather than retaining the most of information as possible(as it has been for experts before the advent of computers and internet).

These video series I am planning to create, will treat subjects like creating tables and diagrams in big glyphs so that one can attach it to the wall in front of the computer, so that when you need a reference fast, you don't have to do other tasks but to slightly turn your head and watch what the diagram suggests; or finding out when you program what things went wrong with your experimentation, you screen capture what you did, so that when you re-encounter a problem that you think is related to a previously encountered problem, you just refer to that video of the screen capture and recall what actually happened. There are many more study skills that are simple but really help a lot in computer programming, and many other subject matters as well.

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