Thursday, 20 January 2011

Downloading MinGW

In this video I show you how to install with the automated installer, the MinGW set of tool we will be using to create(build) console programs.

Console programs are programs that run in the console(AKA terminal, shell, command line, or command prompt, each having slightly different meanings).

We check the check boxes to the options required:
  • MinGW base tools
  • MinGW Make.

C console programming.

I will start to upload the video of C console programming.

It will cover all the basic topics to get any person with a minimum knowledge of computers to begin their quest for C programming.

Be warned. The dialogue is very heavy in technical language and runs much faster than usual "beginner style" video series.

I will include a "study skill" mini-video series to help you out in taking the maximum advantage out of this and other video series.

My recommendation is to watch the whole video series from finish to start, just to get acquainted with certain terminology, pacing, and interactions within the computer environment.

Then in the second run(second time you watch the video series), you go ahead and follow step by step(by pausing the video when necessary) the actions being shown in the video. Gradually, you will build small code snippets, and applications, that will give you invaluable insight into how C works from the theoretical and practical viewpoint.

This should set anyone with interests in game development , up and running.